7 Signs of your immune system weakness

How to know that your immune system is weak?

7 Signs of your immune system weakness

In the body of each of us is a system called the immune system, its task is to defend the human body against foreign bodies and alien organisms such as viruses, germs, parasites, and fungi, either by preventing them from entering into the body or by dealing with them, if they can enter, by sending an army of special cells to where they are located in order to get rid of them, thus preventing them from achieving their hostile and destructive goals and more.

7 Signs of your immune system weakness
Immune system

Immune system components 

The immune system is one of the most complexes in the body, and under its banner is a network of tissues, cells, and organs that include:
  1. The tonsils, glands on both sides of the throat, capture microbes that enter the body through air or food.
  2. The spleen, this organ is located on the upper left side of the abdomen and consists of large blood caves whose mission is to purify the blood from foreign objects. 
  3. The thymus gland, located behind the sternum and in front of the heart, plays a key role in facilitating the functioning of the immune system by a specific type of white blood cell known as T lymphocytes tasked with attacking and neutralizing dangerous substances entering the body. 
  4. Lymph nodes, which contain a network of tissues rich in B-and T cells along with other types of cells.
  5. Digestive system, where the bulk of the immune cells live. 
  6. Bone marrow, a soft spongy tissue located in the heart of the bone, produces white blood cells that fight inflammation.
  7. The skin, which represents the first line of defense that works to prevent invaders from germs and viruses from crossing into the body, and of course, there are other barriers that prevent microbes from passing through such as the cornea of the eye and the specialized tissues that line the lung, bladder, and digestive system. 
  8. Swallows, they are responsible for swallowing, trapping, and preventing them from spreading.
  9. Lymphocytes, which are epidemic t-blood cells responsible for building acquired immunity, including the production of antibodies.
  10. Antibodies, after the first encounter with any foreign gas, antibodies are produced by the body's b cells, and they are called every time the invader tries to infiltrate again, in order to destroy and destroy it. 
  11. Cytokines, a messenger made by different types of cells (T cells) in order to attract or activate other cells in the immune system, tell them where to go and how to destroy the alien organism.

What you should know about the immune system

The body's immune system performs the following tasks:

  • It is the cornerstone of prevention and recovery from pathogens such as germs, viruses, fungi, parasites, and cancer cells, thus eliminating them and preventing them from damaging the body's cells and organs.
  • He has the ability to differentiate between the body's own cells and alien beings from the invading attackers so that he directs his arrows towards the latter. If he can't differentiate them, then he will attack the body's cells, leading to some diseases called autoimmune diseases. 
  • The immune system consists of an army of cells, tissues, and organs that work all the time to maintain the health of the body.
  • The immune system may recognize harmless foreign objects, but they can trigger life-threatening allergic reactions.
  • The immune system has a memory acquired over the days, months and years that enables it to recognize an infinite number of organisms and small particles that attack the body, as they are quickly identified and dealt with inappropriate ways, and human vaccinations contribute to the enhancement and storage of information in the memory bank.
  • The immune system weakens with age and becomes less effective, making it more susceptible to disease or infection. 
  • There are medical conditions that contribute to immune system impairment such as autoimmune diseases, cancers, steroids, and chemotherapy. 


Signs of the weakened immune system 

The immune system protects the body from the extraneous organisms that lurk in it from every hump, so it is very important that the body has a powerful immune system capable of breaking its fork and its back on its losing heels. 

Your immune system may send you a signal from here and there, trying to tell you that it is weak and can't counter invasive microbes, so you have to monitor those warning signs to do what it takes to support this device to work efficiently, and here's to review and you have a number of these signals: 

Chronic fatigue
If you get enough sleep every day, yet wake up tired and suffer from constant fatigue without any effort, it's not ruled out that your immune system is trying to convey the message that it's weak and in trouble. 

Recurrent infections
Exposure to infection over and over again may indicate a potential weakening of immunity, and in this context, the American Academy of Allergy and Asthma reports that there is a potential for weakness: 
  1. If you have ear infections more than 4 times in one year. 
  2. If you have pneumonia twice in one year. 
  3. If you are exposed to chronic sinusitis or bacterial sinusitis three times a year. In case you need to take two rounds of antibiotics a year.

High level of stress
Extreme stress from work or emotional crisis makes the body a victim of the disease exposing to more stress weakens the immune system due to reducing lymphocytes and white blood cells that fight infection and viruses will find and easy way to affect the immunity system without these two things.
Persistent colds
A person usually develops two to three colds a year that are fully cured within a few days, but if a person is constantly suffering from a cold or has trouble recovering from it to get worse, this suggests that the immune system is weak and that it struggles to protect the body. 

Difficulty healing wounds
When one of us is damaged in the skin by wounding, scratching or burning, the body sends blood-rich nutrient enhancements to the affected area to help restore, regenerate and thus reach healing, but this healing process depends largely on the presence of healthy immune cells, if the cells of the immune system are weak they work slowly, which creates difficulty in restoring the damaged area and is not easily visible. 

Frequency of digestive problems
If you have frequent digestive problems such as colic, diarrhea, constipation or abdominal gases, the weakening of the immune system may be the spark that ignites these problems, and not surprisingly, gut health is closely related to the health of the immune system, research has shown that approximately 70% of the immune system is located in the digestive tract, where beneficial bacterial colonies defend the intestines and provide unconditional support to the immune system. The presence of small, beneficial bacterial colonies can increase the risk of exposure to viruses, chronic infections, and autoimmune disorders. 

Weight gain means more fatty tissue in the body, and it releases more cytokines that contribute to persistent, low-grade chronic infections that, sooner or later, are a burden on the immune system, making them vulnerable and unable to perform their tasks.

Stay Healthy

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