Choose the Suitable Sport for You

Choose the Suitable Sport for You

Choose the Suitable Sport for You is the sport you're already going to do, and trying something new is one of the most important factors that keep you motivated. The following questions will help you learn what you can do to expand your physical activities.

Choose the Suitable Sport for You

   1- What should be considered before choosing a new sport?

  • Personal pleasure or attention: Choose something that seems fun to you or you always want to do.
  • Convenience: How close is the activity to home or work? And how does it fit easily into your time routine?
  • Social factors: Do you prefer to share with others or like to practice on your own?
  • Skill level: Can you get training classes or meet with a coach if you need it?
  • The level of impact on your body: Does the activity involve high-impact movements, which may not be suitable for you?

Choose the Suitable Sport for You

2. You are better exercise straining that focuses on a certain part of the body. Such as the abdomen or thighs, or multiple exercises involving different parts of the body?

  • Abdominal exercises help strengthen your muscles and improve your posture, but they will not help you lose weight around the abdomen, and the key to weight loss is burning calories.
  • Aerobic cardio exercises are one of the most effective ways to burn calories, including cycling, jogging, wheel, and walkers, and alternating between different exercises can reduce the chances of muscle and joint injury due to excessive use, and can help reduce boredom.

3. What do I do if the new sport causes pain? An exercise that causes pain is not helpful and can lead to serious injuries, as it can crush your motivation.

4. What steps can I take to help prevent injuries during exercise? Avoid painful sport and try to exchange it with another one considering that there will be little pain in all sports

  • Warm-up before exercise, start from the slowest and easiest of cardio exercises, for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Wear appropriate protective shoes.
  • Take precautions for weather conditions, if it is too cold outside, you should wear many layers that you can remove while warming up, cover your mouth to protect your lungs from the excitement, and avoid running in slippery icy atmospheres.
  • Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercise.
  • Work to restore your calmness after exercise, by exercising less intensity than you did during your workout, for 5 to 10 minutes, or try some general exercise to calm down.
  • Get enough sleep.

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